Our School Vision

Achieving excellence today and building bright futures for tomorrow.

In achieving our vision,
Melville Senior High School:

Provides a distinctive, comprehensive education.
Delivers strong academic and vocational pathways.
Implements effective pastoral care programs.
Ensures all students are given the opportunity to become confident, innovative and successful learners.
Supports students in the process of defining themselves as they prepare to meet the challenges of the future and contribute positively to our society.

Our School Purpose

Our purpose at Melville Senior High School is to graduate confident, innovative and successful citizens prepared to contribute positively to our society.

To achieve our purpose Melville Senior High School:

  • Provides high-quality, evidence-based teaching and a curriculum that engages all students
  • Provides a range of meaningful pathways that meet individual student needs and promote success
  • Provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge and skills in the academic, sporting, cultural and citizenship domains
  • Sustains a positive culture built on strong school leadership, core values, respectful relationships and successful partnerships
  • Provides a safe, friendly and inclusive learning environment with supportive pastoral care

Our School Values

At Melville Senior High School we value:

Our Teaching and Learning Framework

Teaching and Learning is at the heart of Melville SHS’s purpose. As the school of choice for the local and wider community, our staff provide students with opportunities to excel in an engaging, dynamic and purposeful teaching and learning environment.

The teachers at Melville SHS are committed to a teaching and learning ethos that supports all students to engage as resilient, innovative and successful learners. Our approach to teaching and learning practice is aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and communicated through our Teaching and Learning Framework, reflective of a shared belief in high-quality, evidence-based teaching and professional practice. Specifically, the framework outlines seven (7) key pillars that guide teacher practice and ensure student success.

The seven (7) pillars of our Teaching and Learning Framework include:

  1. Aligning curriculum and assessment
  2. Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with high expectations for behavioural, engagement and achievement
  3. Establishing and maintaining a safe, supportive and inclusive learning environment
  4. Engaging, innovative and differentiated curriculum and teaching (pedagogy)
  5. A commitment to lifelong learning
  6. Ongoing reflection, analysis and change
  7. Building and maintaining successful partnerships