In Years 7 to 9, we offer students access to an extensive range of mainstream courses and a wide range of electives. In Year 10, students are introduced to more specialised curriculum programs as they begin their transition into senior school. In Years 11 and 12, there is a large selection of academic (ATAR) subjects and vocationally-focused certificate courses to choose from.
Students are guided and supported by classroom teachers and the Student Services team, smoothing their transition from school to post-secondary education or meaningful employment.
Melville Senior High School has an Intensive English Centre (IEC) and welcomes International Fee Paying students who are attracted, in part, to the additional language support that is provided by our dedicated team of specialist English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers.
Melville SHS offers a wide range of extra and co-curricular activities. These include sporting activities, music productions, dance and band festivals, debating, outdoor pursuits, wilderness expeditions, State Emergency Services cadets, academic challenges, and orientation and extension camps.
At Melville SHS, we continually improve our facilities. In addition to over 80 general classrooms, we have an attractive Learning Resource Centre (library); a Student Services Centre; Science Laboratories; an Aviation Centre with two flight simulators; and a Performing Arts Centre with a state-of-the-art theatre, dance, drama, film and television, multi-media and music studios; three visual arts studios and a specialised graphic design laboratory and specially deisgned ‘maker-spaces’. Recreation facilities include a swimming pool, gymnasium, weights room, a grassed oval, and tennis, netball and basketball courts.
Our primary focus will always be maximising the learning successes of our students. At Melville SHS, we recognise each student as an individual and strive to meet their academic, cultural, sporting, civic and pastoral needs while preparing them to meet the challenges of the future.